But when I'm not doing homework, I'm really looking forward to catching up with my best friends...shout out here to my girl Missy and our partner in crime, Katie.
**Missy and I this summer in downtown Minneapolis**
I haven't seen this girl since mid-August, but I'm incredibly grateful for the fact that our friendship is the type where we can talk every once in awhile, but we understand that we have busy lives at school. Plus, I suck at answering my phone and I'm bad at talking on the phone (usually) for more than 20 minutes at a time. We both love the Minnesota Twins...

...and she's just the best friend I could ever ask for. We met at Patrick Henry Middle School, but didn't become good friends until sophomore year at Washington. We were both looking for something greater in our friendships and we found each other. Wow, kind of sounds like we're in love...but you know what I mean. Both of our families were struggling with church difficulties and our friends were giving into temptations that we chose to not partake in. I needed that support system and I thank God everyday that I found it in her. Not only is Missy fantastic, but her entire family has been incredibly supportive of every decision I have made and our parents have become great friends. People always say that friends from high school won't last, but I beg to differ. My friends from high school know me; they know who I was, they know who I am, and they know who I want to be. People here at Valpo just can't relate to that. I always forget that Missy almost came to Valpo and I often find myself wondering what it would have been like to have my best friend here with me. As many great times as we would have probably had, I know Northwestern was a great fit for Missy and the distance has only made our appreciation, respect, and love for each other grow.
Ahh...the joys of friendship. Makes life a lot more fun.
I'm also really excited to spend time with my family, because I also haven't had the chance to spend much time with them since I left for school (well besides the 12 hours over Election Week). I miss my brothers and it's amazing to see how much they've matured this year. Nick is actually in college and I can't believe it. Josh is getting scholarship offers right and left...and was state cross country champion! My parents are amazing and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I'm really not sure what the purpose of this post was...I guess I've just felt that my life has been somewhat lackluster lately...just going through the motions, nothing too exciting. But, I just try to remind myself of all of the amazing people in my life (in which there are many...you're probably one of them...I don't like non-amazing people) and I realize that I am truly blessed. I am blessed to be excited to go home.
So...if you're reading this...I'm coming home...tomorrow...departing Valparaiso, IN around 1PM and hopefully arriving in Sioux Falls before midnight. So please, call/text/keep me occupied...and if you're free sometime within this next week, lets get lunch/dinner/drinks/coffee!
Yay for Thanksgiving...oh my gosh, I love mashed potatoes...
Safe travels!
You are such a softy lol!! Thanks for that post! I don't know how I would have made it thus far without you! Now I think i need to write a shout out post to you!!!
Plus I'm coming home on TUES woooo!
10-days?? Wow. That is awesome.
I bow to Valpo (which always makes me think of dog food).
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