Why hello blog! currently listening to....neon: john mayer.
Happy Valentines Day :) Just wanted to take the time to share what I've been up to lately...last weekend, I took a trip to San Diego with Ryan to visit Matt. As we were on the plane from Minneapolis to San Diego, I started getting nervous...here I am, going to visit a friend, who lives with four other guys. Is it going to be awkward? Why am I always the only girl? Will they feel comfortable with me around? Three hours later, our plane landed and since I somehow managed to fit my stuff into a carry-on, we hurried out to the pick-up area. As soon as I saw Matt, I knew it was all going to be okay. He gave us each huge hugs and welcomed us to San Diego. Looking back, it's crazy how I didn't even notice the temperature difference at first...what did strike me was how relaxed I was. We got in the car and I stared out the window like a little puppy. I'd seen palm trees plenty of times before, but you just can't understand the beauty of San Diego until you actually go there. I guarantee a smile was permanently glued to my face, because I was filled with sheer giddiness. Before we got to Matt's house, we stopped for some bomb Mexican food (which would happen numerous times throughout the weekend)....as much as I hate to say it, it was much better than El Amigo, or any "mexican" food we have here in NWIndiana. We got settled in and then headed out for the night...
Needless to say, the rest of the weekend was filled with walking along beaches, bar-hopping, and hanging out with great people who never stopped making me laugh. It was incredibly sad to leave. I knew getting back on that plane meant a return to reality and a return to the stress of both the job and school (well, having to go to classes, would be more accurate). I was a completely different person in San Diego, in a great way. Life was carefree and I was willing to try anything. Every day was exciting and an adventure. Now I'm back in Valpo...and there's snow on the ground. Looks like I can't look at the stars from a hammock here...
MOVING ON. (currently listening to....someday: no more kings)
I might be traveling back to SFSD this weekend :) Not only do I miss my family (I had a nightmare last night that Josh died...), but Missy might be able to make it home too...and Matt is going home and bringing his best friend Casey (who has never been to the Midwest...he had to go buy winter clothes yesterday haha). It would be a great time for all of us to get back together and have some good times.
But in 13 short days....I'm flying to Germany for Spring Break with Brett, Justin, and Collin. I think I'm so excited that I can't even feel the excitement anymore. (currently listening to....please don't stop the rain: james morrison)...CAN'T WAIT.
Well...real life is calling. Have a great V-Day :)